sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
Celeratis Borzoi formerly Celestial Borzoi

Borzoi at the Speed of Light

formerly Celestial Borzoi

sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
sun and moon design
Celeritas Borzoi
Flyte and Sart

Celeritas Borzoi is the kennel name used by:
Nancy Hopkins of San Antonio, TX

Under Construction


This is a Firebird Design

and the design is lovely, but the html markup was fixed by BATW

Dog breeds

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional

Page created by Corrine Miller with later modifications by Bonnie Dalzell and Nancy Hopkins
Last Modified on May 13, 2012