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Flyte on the porch

Flyte's Pedigree

Breeder: Susan Weinkein

July 7, 2000 - October 15, 2009

Celestial Borzoi

In honor of Flyte's athleticism and her excellent ASFA career I offer these photos of her running.

Flyte's litter by Mir produced eight puppies. When first taken to lure practices all but two of the pups showed an interest in chasing the lure. Sammie and Hay Luz have gone on to gain multiple titles in a range of running events. While not as impressive, Booker and First have run well and either have or are on their way to a title in one of the venues available to coursing hounds. Bheru started a promising coursing career but decided to take after his mother in his passion not to share the lure. After showing an interest in chasing the lure as a puppy, Luther went to a pet home where I never thought he would be able to compete in coursing events. However, He has recently started attending lure trials and is taking to the "family business" with enthusiasm. Last but not least, Morpheus and Lightning who showed no interest at all in chasing plastic bags later decided that if everyone else in the family enjoyed it coursing couldn't be that bad. After his trip to the Lompoc Specialty in 2008, Morpheus got a chance to practice at a lure course being held near by. Much to our delight--and I might add, his as well--Morpheus ran very enthusiastically. This was quite a change from his initial introduction to the sport which thoroughly disgusted Morph. Lightning was also a late bloomer. Unfortunately, sweet, innocent, delicate Lightning decided that she wanted the lure more than she wanted to share it. So, she gets to occasionally play in the Singles Stakes....alone. All in all I am pleased with Flyte's children.

And continuing Flyte's legacy, First presented Bonnie Dalzell of Silkenswift Borzoi with a litter out of Silkenswift Carrot Ironfoundersson, SC on November 9, 2009. At the age of exactly 6 months, Flyte's granddaughter, Brandy (Silkenswift Brandywine at Kalabria), took Best Puppy in Specialty at the Borzoi Club of Delaware Valley Specialty on May 9, 2010. You can see some of the puppies if you click here.

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Flyte running

This photo was taken by Shot on Site on January 12, 2004.

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Flyte Running hard

This photo was also taken by Shot on Site at the same trial as the one above.

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Flyte at the start

Flyte and me at the starting line waiting for the Tally Ho. Every time I released Flyte, I remembered the time she bloodied Susan Weinkein's nose at the Regional invitational in 2002. I always made sure my face was out of the way should she have reared back.

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Flyte chewing a bone

Other than chasing the lure, what could be better in life than a really good bone? Here Flyte is helping her children celebrate their birthday by enjoying a hearty chew on a good bone. She looks completely absorbed in her scrumptious task.

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Flyte standing at fence

Flyte posed nicely as she watches longingly after a squirrel who escaped the confines of the yard. Flyte always loved chasing squirrels.

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Flyte talking to Porph

"Hey! Why are you in jail, Porphyry?" Flyte and Porph enjoyed each other's company. Though I am not sure if Flyte is empathizing with Porph or if she is gloating. So actually, the caption to this picture might be: "Ha, ha! I'm in the big yard and your'e not!"

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Flyte playing with her kids

Flyte loved playing with her children. Here is a picture of Flyte with her daughter, Hay Luz, and her son, Morpheus. Hay Luz is trying to get her mom to play.

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Flyte trying to get her kids to play

When Flyte was involved, play was not quiet. This picture shows Flyte in full voice on the fringe of the battle egging someone on. I miss hearing Flyte's playful barks and growls as she tussled with her kids.

Celestial Borzoi
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Created by Nancy Hopkins
Last modified on July 11, 2010